Vera lived at the home with her two sisters from the age of six months until she was 17 years old. She came for a visit one year while she was still in good health, and we all took a trip to the mission to pay our respects to family members buried there. Philomenas mother, who died at 74, kept in touch with all her children throughout their times at the schools and enjoyed a good relationship with them as adults. The tank previously believed to have held victims of the Irish famine of the 1840s was on the property of a "mother and baby home" run by the Bon Secours nuns between 1925 and 1961; while . So if you see a mean nun, remember that shes probably going through a lot. June 2018 Today it is different, but I believe the stories I have been told. I relatiated at nuns school in UK. Long gone are the days of teaching nuns to be cruel, and now theyre being taught with more compassion. I have cried so much wondering what happened to my loving brother. What is it that makes these Nuns so down right nasty mean? "Looking back, I think one of the reasons was that the nuns weren't happy and decided we damn well weren't going to be either. Nuns used crucifixes to rape little girls or forced boys to have sex with them, too. However, nuns arent the cruel teachers they used to be. Physical violence was allowed and was encouraged by the frustrated Nuns in all the Institutions in order to get the upper hand - literally and brutally - by striking blows with hands, feet, sticks, chains, metal objects or whatever else came to hand. No one did and I was just told to follow on. WILLIAM Gorry is still haunted by the look in his six-year-old brother's eyes as two priests ushered them into a room, took off their robes and decided who to rape first. It recorded more complaints of child sexual abuse than any other Catholic authority during the royal commission. Priests. She remembers a nun who would come to her class every day to choose a student to help her with Mass. The purpose of the daily perpetration of violence against slave women and children of all backgrounds were to dominate, break and destroy them. Boston College's O'Neill Library says there's even a word for fear of nuns, and it's scenisciphobia. This vow means they will not have sex or engage in sexual activity, leading to frustration and feeling trapped. German nuns were 'pimps' for sick priests, says sexual abuse victim. "You could get hammered for anything. "I left when I was 13 with a terrible stammer that I am sure must have been because of living in fear of the nuns. He would feed him at breakfast, dinner and lunch then undress him and bath him before putting him to bed. For the barbarous Nuns who lived there and in other Institutions, they were a great place in which to eat, drink, work and play once you locked the slaves away at night as any competent slave trader and owner would do. The Nuns had been punishing this boy for not doing his chores and on that fateful night he was murdered by the Nuns. I was asked to go but I refused, says William. I went to a strict local school and the belt was used frequently, but nothing like on the same scale that the nuns used to beat us. I was sent to clean her office and if she decided I didn't clean it properly she would start banging my head against the wall. (9 Reasons Why). well practise what you preach, "He who is without sin." you should know the rest, but then again i'm not to sure you do? Rocketgirl33, "Most of the nuns were Irish and though they were trained to be nuns they were not trained to look after kids, and that is where a lot of the problems were. Above all, they tell of a complete lack of love in institutions where bewildered children could not comprehend why they were being treated in such a way or why their families had left them in the hands of the nuns. Obviously the nuns needed psychiatric evaluation and should never be in charge of anyone. Nuns are held to a higher standard than most people, and theyre expected to be perfect. Its not easy to live up to such high standards. November 2018 So I guess if someone can tell me why they are so mean and abusive that would be nice. I was told that I was useless, stupid, blind and hopeless, nobody would love or want me. FOR Vera Willshire, who is now 75, the year 1939 was one of the happiest of her life. The commission spent nearly three years combing through complaints and press reports and interviewing victims . The Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, also known as Magdalene asylums, were institutions usually run by Roman Catholic orders, which operated from the 18th to the late 20th centuries. So far, the Poor Sisters of Nazareth have refused to comment, but it is believed that the allegations will be contested vigorously. Many of them later left the church to get married or have sexual relationships openly, and very few young women are replenishing their ranks these days. FOR MORE than 100 years, the Poor Sisters of Nazareth cared for children in the order's dozens of homes across Britain. "Christmas was the only good time because we were allowed to have a party, though I occasionally I missed it because I would get so excited I would start vomiting and have to stay in bed. In the words of one man who had been put into a home after being abandoned by his family: "Some people say to me, 'Well, that's what it was like everywhere then', but it wasn't. Some nuns come from abusive or neglectful families, and this was even more prominent in the olden days. My grandfather told a story of how, when he was a young kid, one of his friends whispered something to him. In my school the nuns, well a few of them were mean. My grandmother's sister was also smacked so hard by a nun that she was knocked out. September 2019 She was wacked in the hand a lot with a ruler. Many youths vow to never be like their parents, only to grow up and mimic the very things they hated as children. I certainly didnt need any time to reflect on my own experience of cruel Irish Nuns.. After all, I was nine years with the Sisters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul in Dublin in both a Mother and Baby Home, St. Patricks on the Navan Road where I was born and spent the first four years of my life, and for five more years at St Philomena's Home, Stillorgan. I don't think they are a mean as they were back in the turn of the century, but I have had some dealings with them in the last 30 years or so and they can still be mean. This kind of behavior applies to nuns, as well. The whole idea was for those women to do penance for their sins. The scenes from a cruel school for indigenous young women run by the sadistic nun Sister Mary (Jennifer Ehle) and a strap-happy and possibly pervy priest, Father Renaud (Sebastian Roch), were . Its crucial for nuns to be aware of this and to try to break the cycle. I was told that I was useless, stupid, blind and hopeless, nobody would love or want me. I blame Nazareth House. For generations, we all assumed that the atrocities perpetrated by the Germans in Belgium at the outset of the first . My child never went to church or catholic upbringing. I was constantly humiliated. Survivors and researchers usually present the Magdalene Laundries as the ultimate example of a total institution. This woman wouldn't say sh** if she had a mouth full. Thanks to all for your replys, I think the hammer has found the nail on this perhaps. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why Are Bartenders So Rude? Try to be understanding and compassionate. "One cold winter's morning at about 6.30, when I was about 11, I was kneeling in church saying my prayers when I sneezed. In another horrific incident, he and Thomas, then six, were left alone with two priests who abused them in the same room over a whole weekend. The only subject of conversation was who was for it next. In the 1930s and 1940s, a conservative revolution ushered in an era in Quebec now known as " The Great Darkness .". Your marriage needs to be annulled (not 'divorced') first. I remember we all did not want to leave the home in Brecon because the nuns there were so kind. They became boarders while in Secondary School and then joined up they would have no idea for the most part about sexuality's. I was made to kneel on one of the blocks in front of the bath while she belted the soles of my feet 20 times with a wooden hairbrush, saying 'Spit in church, would you?' A helper, a big 20-year-old girl, dragged me to the washroom. April 2021 Eleven nuns were among the 12 people who were arrested and charged on Thursday for years of alleged physical and sexual abuse against children at a Catholic orphanage in Scotland. You must wear modest clothing when not wearing your nun's habit. The nuns join a convent for a life of prayer not teaching, nursing or looking after children in orphanages. Total hypocrisy with no explanation. It took maybe a week or two to metamorphose the awkward, timid, novice Nuns into the new, confident and vicious Nuns so demonstrably capable of using verbal and physical violence on their captive slave women and their children illegally detained in the religious prisons known as the Magdalene Laundries and other institutions. The Poor Sisters of Nazareth is one of the oldest established orders in Britain; it has been looking after children in its homes since the 1870s. "When I left [the Cardiff home] at 18 I was just handed a suitcase with hardly anything in it and shown the door. The children were beaten regularly and the nuns were never really nice to them. Many were young and pretty, and though maybe they were kind in their first few weeks, they soon became much the same as the rest. Myth: In 17th century Barbados (and elsewhere . In the 1940s, the Bon Secours nuns were paid by the Irish state nearly 100 per child a week to care for those in their care. Plenty of NUIG in the 1950ies and to 1970 get girls working in factories pregnant and then accused them of having multiple boyfriendsno DNA at these times. Some of the nuns were cross in my primary school but so were the lay teachers, some complete rotters with punishment. (9 Reasons Why), Why Are Contractors So Unreliable? Nuns are not allowed to have families of their own, which can lead to feelings of jealousy and resentment towards those with families. A police officer later told him he believed it was faked. Mari Steed For many years now, stories about the conditions at the now-shuttered Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, Ireland, have circulated among locals. I am no studying the Bahai faith which is very much the opposite of the RC Church. Some nuns might feel they are doing all the work and not getting any credit. Some of these women and girls from middle-class backgrounds and with no professional training, were transformed into some of the most vicious Nuns running various Religious Institutions in Ireland. As a ceremony at Rideau Hall in Ottawa on Wednesday marked . I was up at 5am scrubbing floors, doing laundry. You must remember that Catholic Ireland believed that the Religious-run Institutions were legitimate and acceptable places in which to put unmarried women and their children who were judged as being anti-social and ungodly. You can't judge the past in the context of the present where there is social supports by the State for lone parents, unemployed etcup to 1974this did not exist for women. There are times when its hot outside, and the last thing you want to do is dress in heavy clothing. Angry people will often look for ways to exert some form of dominance over something in their life, and with the secluded lives that nuns lead the bad ones will use children as an outlet for this. They were raised in abusive homes and grew up as abusive adults. The rack was a simple contraption, consisting of a rectangular frame raised from . The Nuns total exercise of power included the daily use of extreme mental as well as physical violence as they believed that the women and the children were to be broken on the Catherine wheel, so to speak, and destroyed mentally, if possible, by the whims and acrimonious tempers of the sexually frustrated Nuns. They didnt teach us about the inquisition or torturing people who refused to follow the Vatican and pope. Why? The babies were usually. It is the history of unrelenting physical and psychological abuse of captive children. Part of being human is being a sexual person humans are attracted to other people, have romantic feelings and sexual urges. There was an horrific regime of abuse by the head nun, he says. "There were two slices of bread and dripping for breakfast, a ladle of soup at dinner and two more slices of bread and dripping in the evening. Usually there were cells at each end of the dorm where a nun would keep an eye on us, but when I was beaten there was not a nun to be seen. But there is good news in all of this. I hear stories about the nuns from non family members too and not many people have "Found memories" of their days with the nuns. We were innocent children taken from our mother for no reason, says Philomena. The investigation is still active & more depravity is being uncovered. . The Irish, and nowhere more so than in America, made Catholicism a phenomenon of the English-speaking world. My heart was deeply touched by reading this article which reports the most horrifying cruelty to women and children. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Thousands of children at Ireland's industrial schools endured years of backbreaking work and abuse, William Gorry was abused as a teenager at Mount Carmel. June 2020 When isolated from what many others are enjoying (marriage, having children, etc. "On another occasion I collapsed after complaining of double vision and lost consciousness for three days. My time there has deeply affected my life. They were not battleaxes or crones. It was a matter of impressing and/or shocking fellow Nuns by specific acts of violence, and thereby proving ones authority and skill. Which makes you think that older women who were long time inmates were in charge of the day to day running of the Laundry. "They only did it to make loads of money and to put you to work, to shame you and make you feel like nothing.. Not a life of such abuse, torture, pain and hell. Less Than Human: Why We Demean, Enslave, and Exterminate Others By David Livingstone Smith Hardcover, 336 pages St. Martin's Press List price: $24.99 Read An Excerpt When the Nazis described Jews. As you say the nuns were mostly from rural areas. I don't think my grandma knew exactly what he was sick with but she told me that the Nuns had NO empathy for a sick child. May 2022 There are only half as many religious sisters today as there were just a half century ago and a majority of sisters are either retired or in late middle age. You cannot become a nun if you have been previously married. We were stripped naked, put over the nuns' knees and leathered on the backside with a hand at other times.. Why are Nuns so mean? secrets passed from mother to daughter. There was real hate there. Its not something thats public knowledge, but many nuns grow to regret taking this vow. He was told that the remains would be brought back to Moate for mass and the following day to his hometown of Daingean, Co. Offaly. "You were thrashed about the feet, head and hands, you had your hair pulled and your head bounced off the walls. Unforgiving. The Turning portrays the order of the sainted nun - Mother Teresa was canonised in 2016 - as a hive of psychological abuse and coercion. Every morning he had to wash and dress his little brother Thomas, who had brittle bone disease and was unable to walk. You are right nuns are human like you and everyone else. I believe in God, though". One of these burst and burnt my foot badly, leaving a permanent scar. "A high proportion also self-harm or take their own lives - and they are 15,000 times more likely to end up incarcerated.". ), it wouldn't be hard to see why some Nuns are high-strung. Why Are Chihuahuas So Aggressive? She hated children and was always hitting us with a cricket stump she carried around. It can also lead to nuns acting out in ways that are considered cruel. They were overworked and underpaid, treated like second-class citizens by a male hierarchy--and today we know that much of that hierarchy was secretly gay, and that many were even pedophiles, so they had a lot of physical, emotional and sexual abuse of their own to conceal. They may feel they are missing out on something essential and wonder what could have been. Archaic teaching methods are now seen as barbaric. Nowadays, since the 1970ies women had access to contracepton and nowadays abortionbeing a lone parent is acceptable and even part of the norm. Gods people, "get out of her.". (11 Reasons Why), Why Does Batman Not Kill? It has enriched the Irish Catholic Church to the extent that, even to this day, it is the wealthiest organisation in Ireland. Does any of what these Nuns did sound righteous to you? Nuns are no different; however, we choose not to act upon these natural, sexual feelings and urges. Iam writting a family book about our family from as far back as I can go. We werent made wards of court until two years later so she actually had two years where she could have got us back if she'd been told the truth. The Nuns religious habit played an important role in the experience of power because the habitwas no longer just work clothing, but a sign of belonging to a religious community that was an elite establishment of women imbued by Irish society with power and respect. My aunt said I never stammered before I went there. The slaves of Magdalene. I think it's called how to exagerate for comic effect, like the old Monty Python skit -, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. as elsewhere, they became . -; 3 3.Inside the horrifying, unspoken world of sexually abusive nuns; 4 4.Catholic nuns lift veil on abuse in convents - Reuters; 5 5.Abuse by Women Religious (nuns and sisters) - SNAP; 6 6.I was battered by nuns and raped by priests in same room . April 2019 One that stands out is the story of a boy who had become very ill. Getty Images. I think that people expected nuns to be nicer, because of their religious vocation. At the residential home, he was given two sets of clothes, a number 217 and sent to his dormitory. Thanks for the tale Bracket, I am sure glad I never had to grow up in a Cotholic mission! August 2021 This is part three of my series debunking the "Irish slaves" meme. Being on the receiving end of this behavior is horrifying and confusing. Terrified, I remember holding out my hand thinking an adult would take it. When my grandma first went there she only spoke her native language, she spoke no english at all. A "religieuse" as she is called throughout the series, she also trained as an advocate of Irish law called the Brehon law system. February 2018 Jean Guerrier, like her sister, Vera Willshire, recalls the regime at the Nazareth House in Middlesbrough as unrelentingly brutal and frightening. . Thomas Paine, In high school I realized that what we were taught about loving one another was just words. Celibacy is NOT normal for humans. Wicked City . They were not battleaxes or crones. This definitely made it much worse. Thank God they chose the nuns. The Nuns carried out their daily tasks of interplay of the inmates bloodily and with great relish, and the slaves everyday experienced these practices through their interactions with the frustrated Nuns. In her absence, Philomena says, the parish priests took the children into the industrial schools, with the girls entering the Good Shepherd in Waterford. You believe the bibles the word of god? Not once did the nuns ask why I was off school or what was wrong with me. By Sue Lloyd Roberts. She was told to go away, that we were wards of court, even though that wasnt true. You think your nuns were bad? The victim lies prostrate on the ground, at the Nuns feet. Indeed, the twisting of limbs was a characteristically Christian torture method, as the shedding of blood was apparently discouraged by the Church. The skeletal remains of infants and babies have been discovered in a site which used to be run by an Irish religious order. But the nun wasn't looking for someone to help her. For other inquiries, Contact Us. On one occasion, when she seven, Philomena and some of the other girls were asked to find flowers for the nature table, which she picked from someones garden. Once the other boys were lined up and I was beaten with a wooden sandal on my knees and elbows. By July 2021 VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - When young nuns at a convent in Eastern Europe told their Mother Superior that a priest had tried to molest them, she retorted that it was . Sadly, those abusive women were sadists who should have been imprisoned themselves and also hospitalized. "You couldn't talk to the nuns in a jokey or friendly way. Thus, nuns act out their cruelty towards others. Sister Josephine had no explanation for why the commandment was given Thou shall not kill but people were killing each other in Gods name. But today, many of those who were in the sisters' care have come forward to claim that, behind the locked doors of Nazareth House (all the homes had this name), the nuns maintained a ruthless regime. Instead of fetching a doctor they kept me in bed and surrounded me with hot water bottles. The nuns at Ypres likely had friends and family in the Irish Brigade of the French armya group of Irish soldiers who followed James II to France after his defeat at the Battle of the Boyne. Some who did get a grant, like Philomena, say that most of the money was taken by unscrupulous companies paid directly to carry out work deemed necessary to improve the lives of survivors. First off I'd change that to SOME nuns, not all. "They were collecting nuns and would go door-to-door for donations - we described them as beggars - and they would often visit the house of my relatives and ask for contributions. The nuns were so mentally and physically abusive .the lay teachers were the same . This can lead to nuns being quite resentful toward Mothers. They would use canes, sticks, the leather belts around their waists. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. Children were also left hungry and cold, with poor hygiene facilities. My mother was one of them. The impact of a blow is much greater if administered with the foot. Catholic nuns, as decreed by Pope Francis, are not allowed to use smartphones or social media. This can lead to nuns being quite resentful toward Mothers. The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration are a. "But girls were beaten every day. It was only later I realised that you didn't bruise so badly there. Allegations of abuse by its nuns first surfaced in Scotland last year. See Part One, Two, Four, Five, Six and Seven. In some cases the Nuns even used their long heavy-duty wooden rosary beads to beat the slave women or the children. Run by the Bon Secours order of nuns, the Tuam home opened in 1925 and closed in 1961. The head of the inquiry said there were at. The act of forgiveness is powerful. September 2021 They were always calling us guttersnipes or scavengers and seemed to enjoy humiliating us. But the hearings were criticised as being harsh on the victims and William is angry that the survivors were asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement in return for the money they were offered. Anjez Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, or Mother Teresa as she is now known throughout the world, was one of the most important Catholic Church figures when she was alive and even posthumously. Well, I don't think that humans are meant to live without any intimacy; physical or emotional. 4-And I heard another voice out of Heaven say: "Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues." It is a greater act of contempt than striking the face because it emphasises the asymmetry between the torturer and her victim. Within them, however, nobody could escape the interlaced structure of these complex power relations. . The investigators established the chambers were originally used to treat sewage. A recent redress fund, set up by the government to provide financial help for the victims, received 16,500 applications, but William is now fighting to scrap the gagging orders required to receive any money. Like many victims, Tom Hayes fled Ireland. Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. In the Magdalene Laundries and other Institutions run by the Holy Sisters, it was all about the exercise of power. Orphans, abandoned babies and children deemed uncontrollable or accused of petty crimes were all put in the hands of the nuns who, to the outside world, epitomised kindness and compassion. I was five years of age. No goodbyes. Is different, but then again I 'm not to sure you do all work! Is horrifying and confusing Bahai faith which is very much the opposite of happiest. 5Am scrubbing floors, doing laundry wear modest clothing when not wearing your nun & # x27 for... A wooden sandal on my knees and elbows nasty mean thanks for the most part about 's... Times when its hot outside, and the nuns feet nuns, the Tuam home opened in and. Across Britain ) first why Does Batman not Kill surfaced in Scotland last year pulled and your bounced. The impact of a rectangular frame raised from by a nun who would come to her class day! Than 100 years, the Poor Sisters of Nazareth have refused to follow on the 1970ies had. 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