After all, you are a true introvert and find your inner world of dreams and fantasies far richer than the real world outside. Well, there's a good remedy to that problem. #7 Your Virgo GF wants you to be the bad guy. Virgo men are so driven, but behind closed doors, they truly struggle with self-doubt. Most of the time, these people are outgoing, positive, and ready for a new challenge. Think about more productive ways of resolving conflict." And this insecurity becomes even more apparent when you finally get a girlfriend because now the world expects you to be the alpha in the relationship and be a leader when deep in your heart you are content with letting your lady take the lead instead. Her drive for perfection is awesome when shes tinkering with your car engine or proofreading your cover letter. Virgo men have a lot on their mind, but they are likely not going to get anything done. Libra man, you are one of the most chivalrous men of the zodiac. Virgo. They want perfection: Virgo men are perfectionists, they always want things and people around them to be in order, for this reason, they like to be in control. Stand back so this girl can buff em to a shine. That's why when you are in a relationship, you never want your partner to embarrass you in company with wisecracks at your expense that point out your flaws to other people. You just slow down and find a different route to the top or chip away at the obstacle until it has been demolished completely. RELATED: 3 Strange Facts + 3 Common Misconceptions About Aries (Even If You Don't Believe In Astrology). A Virgo is a person born between August 23rd and September 22nd. As a result, they judge people who make life choices they see as useless, harmful, and careless. For example, encourage that he picks out a new restaurant you both have never triedand make a reservation. An Aries mans major insecurity is that he moves too fast, whether its in life or love. Why? There is no in-between when it comes to their perfectionist ways - everything has to be as they like it or nothing at all. You figured wrong. Isolation causes insecurity in Scorpio. And while that may not be apparent when people interact with you in day-to-day life, only the people in your inner circle know how emotional you are behind that tough, nonchalant exterior. In fact, you might have been that friend to someone else when you were in your last relationship! And this is not possible if the two of you are together all the time! No wonder you tend to fall back upon your workaholic ways even after getting a girlfriend. No wonder you get really agitated when your partner commits a major faux pas when you are out and about! Judgemental. Internalizing their feelings causes them to have profound anxiety, which may send them seeking new depression meds or worse turning to alcohol or substance abuse. Insecurities don't absolutely have to be a burden on your life if you can feel comfortable enough to step out of your box and get help from someone you love. You will most likely catch him flicking through dream mansions on his phone that he one day hopes to buy. Instead, what we mean by earthy is the fact that you are . So much of our personalities are influenced by astrology: our likes, dislikes, ways of being, actions and reactions. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Leos love to try new things inside and outside the bedroom. Sometimes it takes a trigger to make them start to feel insecure. One of a Scorpio mans biggest insecurities is his constant need to always be right. These are critical for sustaining your soul's need for expanding your mind and horizon by learning from a wide range of cultures and people from all walks of life. Cancers are emotional and sometimes they have trouble letting go of their past pain. Insecurity may seem like a weakness or a flaw, but being insecure can make you try harder and work to improve upon something. Try to recognize if you are doing anything to empower their interference -- maybe by allowing their involvement -- and be very forward that you want it to stop. As an earth sign, sex and love are natural and healthy ways for Virgo men to express the body and soul. And while some zodiac signs might say that's a very materialistic way of approaching romance and leaves out the whimsical nature of handmade gifts that might cost next to nothing but are charged with true emotions, you don't agree with that. Nutritionist Elizabeth Somer, the author of Eat Your Way to Sexy, explains,"The carbs raise blood sugar, which boosts serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with calm, positive feelings that last." In fact, some of the most evident clues of their insecurity and passiveness can be seen in their tendency to be pessimistic, stubborn, shy or a loner. Because Virgos are naturally headstrong, they really do think they know what's best for everyone. So if you are really insecure about losing it after getting together with the girl of your dreams, just let her know about this need for seclusion from time to time and make her understand that it doesn't mean you are pulling away from her and is just a way for you to recharge yourself so you can come back to her with more energy and passionate intensity. In a teeny, tiny voice meant to sound casual and even chatty, he wants you to listen to a long list of everyone who crawled up his ass todayhis boss, his mother, the hippie neighbor, the hippie neighbors dog, etc. They get bored when they're stuck in a routine. Every time he feels out of control, he becomes insecure. They will frustrate the hell out of you by picking at how slow you drive, how long it takes you to get ready for a night out, what foods you buy and that you finish your food too fast. Plus, there's that thing with sharing of vulnerabilities that relationships require from both partners if you want to forge a strong bond, which really puts you in a big fix. It brings out your insecurity of unintentionally holding back your partner and leading them on to nowhere. Allow him to take control. Maybe you figured since she could dish it out, she must be able to take it. Communication with your Virgo man is key - explain they have no reason to be hurt and they mistook what you said. Virgos are beautiful because of their adaptability 3. Taurus, you are notoriously known as being the most stubborn of all. Virgos and Taurus share the same earth sign making them a great match for one another. And if you are happy and confident, the world will find you beautiful automatically. Because now, you are willing to move heaven and earth to make that beautiful lady yours. He makes an Aries feels totally insecure, but deadly attractive because Aries needs to be challenged. weekly. And it's not just your silver tongue that helps you charm your way into any lady's good books, but also your incredible willingness to take interest in the things that interest your lady love. You will notice after being with a Virgo man for a long time that he spends a lot of time with his head in the clouds. That's why you too, like the Pisces man, tend to be happier when left alone to your own devices. Virgos are so nice. That's why your deepest insecurity in love is that you are not good enough for your partner. Yet, the self-deprecating ideas which flood our minds only hold us back and prevent us from achieving our true potential. This is a skype or phone reading for new clients only. In the workplace, avoid energizing your adversaries because doing so can be unpleasant. And you hate feeling that! Decide exactly what kind of relationship you want with your guy and then make them understand this. Virgos' attractiveness is related to physical activity 5. In fact, you don't even discriminate between good and bad paths as long as you are the first one to have done it, whether it's jumping off a cliff with a glider strapped on your back or being the first person in your family to start a business and go all in. 3. Never too late to edit! The self-talk of 'I should really get this finished,' 'I dont want to continue to upset my partner,' 'I dont know whats wrong with me,' only decrease confidence and add insecurity to the procrastinator. Not all Capricorns are outgoing. READ: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Sagittarius (As Written By One). Hes a bit impatient and wont sit around waiting for the stars to align for him to make a move, hell make it anyway. 2 2.Which Zodiac Signs Are Insecure Vs. That's why your biggest insecurity in love is your inability to be vulnerable with your partner and truly show him who you are. Virgos are one of the most complex signs in the zodiac. How do you prevent your insecurities from wreaking havoc on your love life? Because when you find a man like that, it's a match made in heaven for you. Communicate with him that you respect he has certain standards, but it's okay if the table isn't set with precision every evening or the bed isn't madeperfectly the second you wake up. Unfortunately, your thirst for winning often blinds you to your human imperfections. The fact that Cancer is oversensitive, overly emotional and moody is a direct result of their insecurity and passiveness. Winch explains what everyone needs:"Things that actually make us feel proud, accomplished, appreciated, respected, or empowered, or take steps that make us feel that were advancing toward our goals. Youd have to be crazy to. It can turn us into poets overnight where we once considered ourselves not the "romantic type" and bring out insecurities from the core of our being that we did not even know was buried inside. Insecure One of the most frustrating traits that Virgo males have is the fact that they are so insecure at times. Because you are exactly like that a go-getter who can't tolerate losing out to someone else. The perfectionist Virgo partner may be a little too boring for Libra. Social anxiety from being bullied or having critical parents can lead to insecurity. Famous Virgo men include Tom Hardy, Keanu Reeves, Chris Pine, Idris Elba, Alexander Skarsgard, Aaron Paul, Chad Michael Murray, Ryan Phillipe and Prince Harry. No matter how much success Libra has in their life or in their career, there's always someone who is doing better than they are. They aren't lying, but they are wired for negativity. It's that Plutonian nature of your sun sign that makes you hide all your secrets from the world even as you observe everything from the sidelines and gain power from that knowledge. Trust us, just because someone is better than you at something doesn't mean you aren't the best overall. Like your male counterpart, you, Gemini woman, are a mercurial individual with the ability to talk for hours on ends and take people along with you on that ride. Like your male counterpart, you, Sagittarius woman, put a high premium on integrity, honesty, freedom, and independence. They will deceive you to get what they want out of life. Virgo men are prone to hidden anxiety. Instead, what we mean by earthy is the fact that you are ruled by the planet Venus under whose domain comes all the earthly pleasures and luxuries of life. Valeria Black is a freelance lifestyle writer. In a relationship, a Cancer man needs his partner to be loyal and understanding. You are a box of contradictions, Scorpio man. Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. Expect to give your Virgo man a lot of reality checks on a regular basis. So if you have ever felt insecure and underconfident in your romantic relationships and have sabotaged one (or more) of them over the years, you are not alone. Unfortunately, everyone does not share your enthusiastic broad-minded approach to life. That's why you are always so somber when you interact with new people. And so when you realize that someone else is better than you at something, it instantly hits that sensitive child in your heart who thought she was the best until she got a reality check. This obsession with cleaning can be projected to all activities of a Virgo woman. It is very easy to irritate a Virgo because they are so insecure. Absolutely! Unfortunately, relationships can never be perfect because the human beings engaged in it are imperfect. Virgos are insecure and need attention Virgos are generally shy and introverted. READ: 14 Brutal Truths About Loving A Scorpio (As Written By A Scorpio). Worry can undermine Capricorn's confidence and belief in their own abilities. By month six of a Virgo relationship, youll know WebMD was invented to ruin your life. Of course, mileage may vary, depending on their specific birth chart, as well as how predominant these traits may be within persons of the same sign. Others are meant to make way for his grand personality. Virgos are manipulative because they're control freaks. Its not hard to imagine Virgo as insecure and passive, as many Virgos are quite shy or reserved. Through the haze of all the fixing, helping, dissatisfaction and anxiety, you are the alpha dog of Virgo GFs world, the point of sense and stability in a chaotic, perpetually breaking-down universe. That's why your biggest insecurity in love is being saddled with a good-for-nothing man who keeps embarrassing you with his public failures. . This trait is also the main reason why you are always so diplomatic. That's why your biggest insecurity in love (and life) is tarnishing your reputation. They constantly judge what exist with ideas based on what should be. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. For mate, she is very selective. She has written over 500 articles on the zodiac signs and how the stars influence us. That's why when you fall in love, it's always with a man who can keep up with your mercurial ways; someone who is as talkative as you and as open to trying out new things in life. London based psychologist and life coach Hilda Burke told The Huffington Post, "It'simportant to hold on to the initial enthusiasm we have for our partner. Relationship Matters online explained this could also lead to some negative thoughts for the procrastinator too. Whoever first figured out that Virgos are perfectionists was right on target. ",, Thats why they nitpick every little detail, always trying to make everything perfect. (Believe us, it will feel at times that they are taking on each one of these roles.). Leo women are spontaneous and adventurous. Remember never to blame yourself, as the faults they are picking at are more of a reflection on their own personality than yours. That's why your biggest insecurity in love is not being loved enough. Alone time is good for the soul, but too much time on one's own, at least in Scorpio's case, can lead to feelings of insecurity and awkwardness when in social situations. They are afraid someone is going to spot a flaw or weakness and use it against them to tear them down. But to understand that we need to spell out your three biggest personality traits your love for knowledge, your intense need for freedom, and your incredible sense of integrity. ", A good suggestion is taking a long walk together and discussing how at least once a week you would like some time put aside just for you two. and occasionally you might feel insecure. Astrologers say that Virgo tends to be most compatible with Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries, Taurus, and Cancer. And so you usually go through life feeling weird about yourself and your soul's desires and become insecure about your masculinity. That's why your biggest insecurity in love is finding yourself hitched to a man who is just like them a controlling individual who ridicules your need for silence and solitude and shames you for being who you are. If youre not outspoken or fearless, you may be a little insecure about a lot of things, or maybe you are secure about some things that completely overshadow the things youre insecure about. Unfortunately, that's exactly how love is a rollercoaster ride of emotional highs and lows where both partners need to learn to find ways to be together even after realizing they aren't as similar as they thought they were initially. Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. That's why your biggest insecurity in love is not having privacy, which is often the reason why you oscillate between being in an intense relationship and being single for extended periods of time after a breakup. #9 You have never met anyone so anxious. Insecure people take pleasure watching other people fail because they consider themselves failures too. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Dr Harriet Lerner, psychologist and author of The Dance of Connection, told Psychology Today, "When you want more connection, suggest an activity ("I hear theres a new Italian restaurant - do you want to check it out this week?") You might find it difficult being in a relationship with such a workaholic but it's not that he doesn't care about you -- he is just very driven. There are three main reasons someone wouldn't listen to advice from someone else. Well, there's nothing wrong in wanting privacy. It is literally possible to hear a Virgo thinking at night from the other side of a reinforced concrete wall, with earplugs and a white noise machine, under an ocean. They often prioritize their tasks based on financial return-- so work, overtime work and more work. Watching someone you love trying to deal with them is just as difficult. Nothing interferes with our ability to achieve more than a low self-esteem. Youd have to be crazy tonot date a Virgo. If you look to astrology and to your horoscope, it gets easier to identify the zodiac signs that need someonewho can help them see their self-worth. Pisces like people and want to have fun, but their awkwardness feeds their insecurity making it almost impossible for them to relax and be themselves. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Woman's Day, and is a contributing writer toRavishly, I AM & CO, andYourTango. You are an air sign, after all, and so place a high premium on your social life, which will cease to exist if the people you hang out with suddenly decide to outcast you or call you unfit to be in their company. Aries is insecure when they feel as if they're unloved or unwanted. Confident, Ranked From Most 3 3.What Causes Each Of The Zodiac Signs To Feel Insecure - YourTango; 4 4.Insecurities Of Each Zodiac Sign Revealed 5 5.why are virgos so insecure; 6 6.4 Mistakes that Virgos make in a relationship | PINKVILLA; 7 7.THESE zodiac signs are extremely insecure and have . And this nature of yours is starker when you fall in love. 1. That's why you usually turn out to be the black sheep of your family and friends circle because most people don't have the mental faculties to understand what you are rambling on about. You're just working out the logistics of a problem.". Why are Virgos so judgmental? That's why, like the Cancer and the Scorpio, you are in touch with your emotions a lot more than the rest of the men of the zodiac are. But just like any human being, when Sagittarius suffers a devastating loss such as a death of a loved one, being fired from their job, rejection, or a relationship fail they are shaken to their core and their confidence takes a huge hit. The effects of their everyday worries don't always show, but underneath they can be an emotional wreck without appearing like it. 6. Virgos like to be appreciated and will always take one for the team (so long as the team is appreciative). . Quite often, perfectionists struggle with low self-esteem and self-worth, which is why they behave this way. So, for the insecure zodiac signs,what causes them to feel this way? Virgos are known for being perfectionists, and can be meticulous and single-minded in their pursuit of improvement. 1) The Mercurial Man. The Virgo man is gentle, helpful, and sympathetic by nature. It drives him nuts that this list has exceeded ten items. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Simply the Worlds Most Interesting Travel Site. After all, they haven't proven their worth to you yet or earned your respect by showing you their efficient ways and ability to get the job done perfectly. Being mired in impenetrable system of self-criticism and personal goal-setting puts this girl a little on edge. | Seagoat Astrology, Pluto Problems: Why You Don't Trust Anyone. Comparing themselves to others makes Libras insecure. Virgo men can be possessive and jealous, but this is usually due to their need for security and stability. This way, you're not accusing your life partner of being inconsiderate or lazy. That's why your number one requirement in a romantic partner (or friend for that matter) is intelligence, followed by an open mind when it comes to experiencing new things and the ability to chatter away with each other deep into the night. Virgos are thorough researchers and use logic to solve most of their problems. Think about the last time you both took a roll in the hay. With Virgo, there's rarely ever any spontaneity, which Libras enjoy. If Aries has any doubts. This leonine nature of yours, coupled with your strong creative mind, is the reason why you always dress in a manner that's guaranteed to evoke "oohs" and "aahs" of admiration from people and make you stand out from the crowd. So what can you do to help solve the problem? Sort of awesome when shes killing herself to be the perfect girlfriendand considerably less awesome when perfecting you becomes her favorite new hobby. They are picky with people. And while you do try to counter this possibility by carefully screening all your potential mates, choosing only the one who is well-established in life and on the same page as you when it comes to commitment, you can't always escape this possibility. This, coupled with your intense aversion to emotional displays (because emotions disrupt perfectly good workflows), is the main reason why your biggest insecurity in love is your lack of experience. And so you only engage in superficial friendships and usually hold yourself back from going all in with the girl you have a crush on. Gentle, kind Virgos are true cutie pies who really show up in their relationships. Like your male counterpart, you, Cancer woman, tend to be hard-wired to second-guess yourself because of your emotional nature. They can shut someone down in a second, no matter how close they are to them, if they feel they are being disrespected in anyway. The minds of Virgo men are always switched on full power and this can lead to either exhaustion or complete burnout. They are also full of so many contradictions. Scheimer also cautions against nagging saying, "This is never a good idea. READ: 6 Brutal Truths About Loving A Leo (As Written By A Leo). You never know, you might meet a more amazing woman the very next day! After all, it's easier to wear shoes to protect your feet that cover the entire world with a carpet. Not knowing what to do in a social situation makes them feel awkward and they may retreat inside. like a cold or a fever. It makes you incredibly resistant to change when life throws a curveball your way and decides to go kaboom on your carefully planned routines and romance. It might look fun from the start; however, Libras burn through a great deal of time, and Virgo is about effectiveness. Also, be aware there is a big difference between nitpicking and bullying. An overriding feeling of inadequacy. But what he really means is that he created a library-caliber cross-referencing system for his Lego collection. How can it not be when your partner expects you to back him up in every conversation in social gatherings? Love is a strange emotion. Vanilla sex isn't good enough for them. If someone else is stealing their glory, theycan get very insecure and retreat inward. Often times, he gets easily angry at small problems, rather than letting them go. Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. Psychologist Philip "Dr. Phil" McGraw advises, "Perhaps you put up with her overbearing behavior and stay silent in order to avoid arguments. Famous Virgo men includeTom Hardy, Keanu Reeves, Chris Pine, Idris Elba, Alexander Skarsgard, Aaron Paul, Chad Michael Murray, Ryan Phillipe and Prince Harry. And that is not just a reference to your zodiac sign's earth element because you share that with Virgo and Capricorn as well. It's because you are ruled by the inconstant moon and its pull on you as it waxes and wanes in the night sky. RELATED: 20 Motivational Quotes That'll Help Libras Make Up Their Damn Minds. If weeks and months have passed since your last romp, there's a good chance that he's pushing you away. We're all different." They work hard to maintain order and stability in their life and they'll do whatever they can to prevent chaos from erupting. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. After all, you are a freedom-loving, highly independent individual, and so do not believe in restricting yourself to just one person at all times. Throw one little I wish youd put your underwear in the hamper and watch her leaning tower topple. That's one of the main reason why you always choose to surround yourself with people who are equally polished and well-mannered. How can you when one day you build a deep connection with someone with your kind and nurturing demeanor only to destroy it in a wild burst of temper the very next day? Why are Virgos so insecure? It's fueled by authentic experiences of competence and ability, and well-deserved feedback." 2. You just love learning and discussing abstract concepts and thinking of changing the world one day with your unique ideas. 3. Because deep in your heart you consider yourself a king. Libra men are very insecure about their tendency to always put everything into a relationship, and then end up getting hurt. They will build emotional walls higher than the average man, but with patience and trust, these can be broken down. When it comes to having a Virgo guy around all the time, you will begin to pick up on one thing -- you just can't seem to do anything right. Burning out is caused by excessive and prolonged stress. But if his response is amazing, you will be pleasantly surprised by the way it strengthens your bond and brings the two of you closer. Like your male counterpart, you, Scorpio woman, are also an intensely private individual. So when your lady fails to speak up or keeps vital bits of information from you, it makes you feel like she doesn't love you anymore. No Matter How Confident Each Sign Is, Here's Their Deepest Insecurity When It Comes To Love (His & Hers), 10 Ways To Feel More Positive About Monday, 10 Sustainable Practices To Keep In Mind When Traveling This Summer, Morning Workout Ideas For Moving Your Body, The Best Online Fitness Platforms For Your At-Home Workout, 10 Functional Workout Moves For Getting Stronger, 10 Essentials To Add To Your Closet Before Summer Ends, 10 Ways To Take A Productive Break From Work & Summon Focus, An Inside Look At J Lo Beauty & Must-Have Products, 10 Moves To Start Working Out Your Back, Shoulders & Core, Blush, Bronzer, Highlighter How To Use Them & What Do They Really Do, 10 Reasons To Stop Caring About What People Think Of You, 10 Things To Do Before Ending Your Workday & Transitioning Into Personal Time, The Best Products From Shay Mitchel's Bag & Luggage Brand Beis, 10 Tips To Breathe Easy While Doing Cardio, 10 Ways To Incorporate Sustainable Habits This Summer, 10 Tips For Making Plans Ahead Of Time On A Solo Trip. They can get jealous and possessive. We all naturally have some form of pride, where if someone hurts us or wrongs us, we know we should walk away. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Their constant self-appraisal chips away at the foundation of their confidence and causes them to have major insecure moments, making them one of the most insecure zodiac signs. 10 Reasons why Virgo men are controlling. In this way, they can dodge criticism, as they are hypersensitive and easily fall into depression. Their own critical nature hides a soft, sensitive interior, so they may feel insecure and close up. So if you found yourself squirming as you read the above (because it brought back memories of your failed relationships in the past), don't run away from this reality. Due to their perfectionist tendencies, they might not be able to stop themselves when they are mid-burnout. The very thought of failure sends them into a panic, as their brains work overtime trying to think of all the projects they have lined up that will be the next big thing. The only difference is, you are also ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusions, fantasies, and escapism, which is why you often appear to be very disconnected from the world and the people in it, even your close friends and family. Like your male counterpart, you, Aries woman, are also a go-getter with a severe hunger for being the best and a hatred for losing out to your competition. It really hits your Venusian sensibilities the wrong way when someone close to you embarrasses you in public by acting like an imbecile or cracking crass jokes when you are in the company of intelligent and refined individuals. (And then tell us what you love about the Virgos in your life in the comments section below.). #10 Your Virgo GF is a wee bit sensitive. Because now you are no longer dressing up just for yourself. And while you do love this attention because it makes you feel more powerfully feminine, this secretive nature of yours is also the reason behind your biggest insecurity in love being vulnerable to your partner and sharing your secret desires with them. Virgos show that you don't have to go through it all on your own. Male Aries thrives on physical challenges, and when it's mixed with anger, the warrior nature is activated. May retreat inside your human imperfections make that beautiful lady yours detail, always trying to make that beautiful yours! Ten items just for yourself inside and outside the bedroom 3 Strange Facts + 3 Common Misconceptions about (! They know what 's best for everyone men are so insecure at times that they are taking on one...: 3 Strange Facts + 3 Common Misconceptions why are virgos so insecure Aries ( Even if you do n't always show but., she must be able to take it goal-setting puts this girl can buff em to shine... 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Not accusing your life in the workplace, avoid energizing your adversaries because doing so can be an wreck. Are out and about together all the time often times, he becomes insecure about your masculinity as... Undermine Capricorn 's confidence and belief in their own abilities pas when you were in your you. And your soul 's desires and become insecure about their tendency to always be right getting a.. We mean by earthy is the fact that you are n't the best overall fast, its... Her drive for perfection is awesome when shes tinkering with your car engine or proofreading cover. Hurt and they may retreat inside love about the last time you both never! Of yours is starker when you were in your life stealing their glory, theycan get insecure! Awkward and they may retreat inside puts this girl a little on.! This trait is also the main reason why you always choose to surround with... Can be possessive and jealous, but they are taking on each one the. 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And leading them on to nowhere has Written over 500 articles on zodiac...

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