Choir singers heart rates synchronize; musicians playing the same riff have brain waves that line up. We can do without pleasure, but not delight. Research shows that small bursts of positive emotion can help reset the bodys physical responses to stress, so that people can continue to fight from a place of wellbeing and strength. I would say something similar, but I would probably read it in this way. Joy takes something that might be threatening to people, such as difference or otherness, and makes it less so. I love you. The only problem in your life is your mind's resistance to life as it unfolds. But contemporary hits are just as suspect; the Soviet Union, for example, censored songs by artists as varied as AC/DC, Tina Turner, and Julio Iglesias. How would you put it? What would that space look like for you? Thanks so much for sharing. This inexplicable power to dance in the midst of mourning is not to be smugly dismissed, as has many suggest, as some sort of slave religion or momentary hyper-spiritualized pie in the sky delusion. Im sorry that this post left you sad! The collective representation of Black people in the industry is abysmal, as evidenced by multicultural children's publisher Lee & Low's baseline survey. There is something absolutely beautiful about the joy created by communities, especially oppressed communities. He had a way of speaking that made you feel like magic. Dr. Engram's "Black Joy as an Act of Resistance" takes the listener on a journey through the life of Black millennials. But there's also another side, not only to just African diaspora forms of joy, but the joy in many communities. After all, struggles for justice are often also struggles for the acknowledgement of an oppressed groups full humanity. Essentially, hope is the belief that tomorrow can be better than today. Joy is Resistance - by Austin Channing Brown Joy is Resistance It's easy to feel like only the big stuff matters, but resistance to injustice is sometimes about pool, cake, and dancing. Author Cheryl Strayed writes in her book Wild about how her mother made a choice everyday to find peace, even when things were difficult. The New York Times recently did a piece on the power of the garden at Rikers Island, which is managed by inmates. Segregated joy is most often sequestered joy, bounded joy territorially, in particular places. Bitch Media Editor-in-Chief Evette Dionne put it best in a recent Instagram post: "Joy is a revolutionary force. You can build walls all the way to the sky and I will find a way to fly above them. That is, especially in the face of a brutal and oppressive empire, the power to have joy is the power to resist. Holocaust survivor and author Elie Wiesel described a memory of a fellow prisoner trading a ration of bread for materials with which to piece together a makeshift menorah during Hanukkah. "Our joy in itself is an act of . Joy has an edge, it doesnt exist in vacuum. But in context where that isn't fully, hasn't fully taken hold, the people's work of creating joy is there. One way is through joy in the present. Cal State Fullerton African American studies professor Mei-Ling Malone explains: "Black joy is an act of resistance. It's the idea that in order to be a good woman, you have to be self-sacrificing. Barbara Ehrenreich notes that in South Africa among the Namaquas, it was said that someone who converted to Christianity had given up dancing.. The less you think about your oppression, the more your tolerance for it grows. The separation of the races geographically speaking, and not simply socially speaking. You have to have people who have been able to make you laugh in the places where all you want to do is cry. Austin Channing Brown Apr 26, 2020 20 "Joy is an act of resistance." - Toi Derricotte PTKF2158-2J . And so the question becomes for me: can there be a form of joy that helps to constitute identity that happens in the in-between, in the gathering of different peoples? Communal joy provides a kind of glue that unifies a group. Prolonged states of heightened negative emotion raise blood pressure, cortisol, and respiration rate, putting stress on the cardiovascular system. It reminds the teachers and students that they are fully human, fully worthy and deserving of a full and beautiful life. We're talking about people entering a space and in some very powerful way that we can't really chart out specifically. Joy as an Act of Resistance is the second studio album by British rock band Idles, released on 31 August 2018 by Partisan Records. Joy lets us reclaim our humanity. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. When Im in the coffee house [GLIDEs dining room reserved for families, the elderly and the physically disabled] and people are sitting there still hungry, I dont rush them out or ask them to leave. At one level, it is tied to real spaces and places. Clad in black plastic bags that blend into the cityscape, the consequences of our disposable culture become almost invisible. Thank you! Shocked that the man would trade something so essential to his survival, Wiesel asked him, Hanukkah in Auschwitz? And the man replied, Especially in Auschwitz.. Audre Lorde wrote eloquently about how caring for oneself is an act of resistance. What are spaces in which you yourself find joy? Welcome back. Willie Jennings: I look at joy as an act of resistance against despair and its forces, all the forces of despair. Willie Jennings: You hope if the space is working, you hope for a kind of infection. Kathleen Hanna, like Marian, suffered from sexual abuse at a young age and used the stage to not only wrestle with her pain, but also to establish the riotgrrl movement. Acceptance and support is what encourages Autistic kids like Knox to advocate for themselves. Sensory joy is a form of care that contrasts with traumatic circumstances and helps cultivate the resilience needed to counter oppression. I do say you can go back upstairs and get another ticket, but I also give them all the food thats left at the end! This sleeve has quite a fragile wide spine. // logged into Facebook user but not a GR app user; show FB button And I think at another level, the work of joy becomes serious work, which I think in our contextand by our context, I mean in the Westthe work of joy in many ways is not fully the people's work. This month, people from across GLIDEs community are responding to the following question:When you think of the role of women in the advancement of social justice and resistance to oppression, who comes to mind as an inspiration?. There is a joy that creates. Fernando Pessoa Willie Jennings: To press even further, it could be that one thing under utilized by Christian intellectuals is precisely this latter reality that Jesus himself points us toward, a family that becomes reconfigure. The church, the hospital room, the barber shop and beauty shopsthings are going to be better". Skip to content ThePodcasts TheCollaborations TheSummit TheEdit TheHost TheLockdown Lists Recognize that pleasure is a measure of freedom, writes Adrienne Maree Brown, author of a book called Pleasure Activism, which takes as its premise that the states of being that activists are striving for, justice and liberation and wellbeing, are highly joyful states, and therefore pleasure can be a powerful tool for helping us achieve them. Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Africana Studies, Yale Divinity School, Founder & Director, Yale Center for Faith & Culture, Defining joyan act of resistance against despair, "Resisting all the ways in which life can be strangled and presented to us as not worth living", Making productive use of pain, suffering, and the absurdtaking them serious. Resistance creates suffering. And like an old cassette tape, the world presses stop, rewind, and play. This is slightly embarrassing, but when talking about womens empowerment the first people that come to mind for me are actually the Spice Girls. Telly's favorite artist was Alice Neel. They smooth tensions and break down barriers. But for those two minutes we turned that cemetery from a place of death and mourning into a place of life and honor. And to push it even further, some of them just didnt care about educating men or changing their minds. We produce new episode every Saturday, and you can subscribe through any podcast app. I suggest you look to some literary greats who not only captured the relevance and significance of the African American life but lived extraordinary experiences themselves like, Ida B. On the other hand, the novel shows that even in her fearful passivity, Offred does manage to resist her oppressors in the small ways that are available to her. In the Gospel of John, Jesus explains that the very point and the purpose of his teachings on love and keeping his commands are "so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.". Coming back to Audre Lorde: The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them, and lessens the threat of their difference. Joy, and celebrations in particular, focus our attention on our commonalities, not our differences. 8. Joy in that regard is a work, that can become a state, that can become a way of life." "I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. What happens when somebody walks into a space marked by joy? However, I also found that some thoughts expressed seemed unnecessary and negatively pointed, producing uneasiness rather than joy. I believe in the magic and authority of words.. As Cara Page says in an interview with Adrienne Maree Brown, If were not imagining where were going, then it will constantly just be pushing back outside from inside of cages, as opposed to imagining whats happening outside of cages. Hope is a form of emotional vision that stokes our motivation and fans the flames of change. For activists, who live with chronic stress, the risk of burnout is physiological. Ethologists have observed chimpanzees celebrating the arrival of a caretaker delivering a bunch of blackberry vines, a favored food, to their enclosure. The name "Ofglen" says nothing about who this woman really is; her only identity is as the Commander's property. Your submission has been received! And there's something very powerful about that because as one artist says, "It's how, especially oppressed in poor people, can make something really beautiful out of what has been thrown away." $j("#connectPrompt").show(); When you think about why everyone should celebrate Black History month and why rewriting history to exclude the African American's place in it is so perfidious, its founder said it best, "If a race has no history, if it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated." Chair IDEA Committee The reverse is also true that the secret of joy is resistance. We must have the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world." I am not suggesting here that joy will always be present in times of mourning. Released on Partisan Records 31/08/18 1 X LP, includes digital download card Joy As An Act Of Resistance is a parade. After a while, people just think oppression is the normal state of things. Willie Jennings: I like singing a song in a strange land. When I think about strong, courageous women passionately working to advance social justice, which inherently means theyre fighting oppression every day, I think of my good friend Catalina Correa Salazar. Play. takes aim at everything from toxic masculinity, nationalism, immigration, and class inequality - all while maintaining a visceral, infectious positivity. The throngs of mourners and supporters lined the isles of the church, crowded the lobby and balcony areas, and spilled out of the church onto the outside lawn. It's a robust act of resistance against despair. They are killed. Her mother said, "There's always a sunrise and always a sunset and it's up to you to choose to be there for it. In World War I, soldiers on both sides were known to cultivate gardens in the trenches. Willie Jennings: Yes. "We must risk delight. This episode featured theologians, Willie Jennings and Miroslav Volf. How does one cultivate joy? Willie, wonderful to have a conversation with you about joy. Resistance is when I make sure everybody else stops going along too., Most gun control arguments miss the point. Willie Jennings joins Miroslav Volf to discuss the definition of joy as an act of resistance against despair, the counterintuitive nature of cultivating joy in the midst of suffering, the commercialization of joy in Western culture, joy segregated by racism and slavery, how Jesus expands and corrects our understanding of joy. (646) 846-3896 | If you're in a position to support our show financially, please consider partnering with us. Music, dance, art, eroticism: all of these fuel an emotional response that creates momentum, one that can be hard to control. Thank you! I also like, as I love to say, I'm making productive use of pain and suffering in the absurd, not in order to take them lightly, but to take them very seriously, but not to make them gods. 4. When I think about the question, Is it ok to feel joyful while the world is (literally) on fire, while babies are in cages and glaciers are crumbling and billionaires stand by self-righteously counting their billions, I come back to Jack Gilbert. But isn't difficulty, suffering, hardshiparen't these necessary conditions for joy to even take place? Joy is an act of resistance. Its almost a platitude in the Trump era, visible across Instagram on embroidered banners and fine calligraphy, on t-shirts and tote bags. Lyrically, Joy as an Act of Resistance focuses on lead singer Joe Talbot's troubled past & many timely themes like . I dont know what she meant when she said that, but I know for me it means that I still get to have my joy, my laughter, my sassiness, my thinking, my love of people. I think for me this topic brings a mingling of sadness and hope, so perhaps that carried through into the post. Somehow, by some great miracle, we followed his mothers lead, and it just happened. Miroslav Volf: So you walk and you think, "I need to walk into a space of joy." The theologian Willie James Jennings said it better than we can: "I look at joy as an act of resistance against despair and its forces all the forces of despair." He said that in 2014, long . (More on this form of joyful activism here.). UK & US. Willie Jennings: My pleasure, Dr. Volf. Are you going to have a good day or are you going to have a great day? As I began to slip in the depths of my own sorrow and yield to the temptation to surrender my heart to the dreadfully stark nihilism in this ritual around black bodies, I looked up and saw Dariuss mother, Rishawna Myricks. "If they cannot love and resist at the same time, they probably will not survive.". Rewind. Whether its the transcendent joy of sacred ritual or the simple joy of cultivating a garden, the pursuit of joy amid great struggle is a way to tend our humanity when it is most threatened. And we did. This week, with one year to go until the next U.S. presidential election, it seemed a good time to dig in and share a kind of blueprint for the intentional use of joy to foster change. AFP NYC Board Member. What's killing your joy? Albert Einstein A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness. Like Romeo, Juliet sees love as a kind of freedom, "boundless" and "infinite.". You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The Joyspotters Guide is a free resource that shares my favorite tips for finding more joy, everywhere you go! I can only imagine it must have been extraordinary to hear him speak. And how do we nurture hope? Men told you what to listen to, what to like. Rewind. It certainly wasnt my intent to include negatively pointed thoughts, so its good for me to know that this is how it felt to you. She also goes into prisons to empower and open safe spaces for queer folks. Rosa and Maya inspire me in my work. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Joy Suffering God. And if you're not, please continue listening and engaging the content. Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya's portraits in Times Square celebrating the expansive diversity and individuality of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in New York City as part of the public art series We Are More. People who refuse to come to earth. My pleasure. Maybe they didn't intend it, but it did. The ones who are yours. It's almost like joy is this plant that is more easily springs in adversity than it does in a kind of plenty and posh kind of life that breeds more indifference. Its power seems inescapable. As in so many fields, burnout is a serious risk, especially because activist work is rarely well-compensated and because the strong sense of personal responsibility many activists feel makes it hard to take breaks. How does one cultivate joy? Joy is an act of defiance." *** Many of the songs, Bono said, are like letters addressed to specific recipients: his family, his friends, the audience, America. Adreinne Waheed, photographer and author of the photo book Black Joy and Resistance documents, in its purest form, that the essence of happiness and enjoyment are inextricably linked to resistance. She said she tries to acknowledge the difficulties that others might encounter in these unprecedented times while also caring for herself and those around her. We've been taught that silence would . According to the survey, which was released in 2019, only five percent of authors are Black; four percent are literary agents; one percent comprise editorial; and less than 5 percent . $grfb.init.done(function() { Other soldiers wrote home requesting flower seeds to plant. But another way that joy can support activism is that it disarms. And there are many of us out there, more than you think. But the emotion, the phenomenon, the virtue, the state, whatever joy is, it resists definition: different from happiness, and pleasure, and positivity, often out of our control, often present in the most surprising circumstances. }); Slowly but surely shes changing the lives of those she directly works with, while also helping to create legislation that ultimately will transform Colombias society into a somewhat more just and inclusive place. The world has enough anger and fear to last for seventy lifetimes. Societal change always involves a lot of pain as those with privilege and power often refuse to listen or take responsibility for the suffering theyve caused. It wouldn't be easy to find her, now. ("Joy of the Sabbath") and founded by historian Emanuel Ringelblum (1900-44). } Thanks so much for your thoughtful feedback. Thanks for listening. The ones that your heart recognizes in the light & in the dark. "Secondary choices are always subordinate to a primary choice. No. You've come into a space that is not your own, and in some ways that space has claimed you as its own. You have to have people who can show you how to sing a song in a strand land, laugh where all you want to do is cry, and how to ride the winds of chaos. Every single person let the healing waves of music wash over them with their soulful and buoyant caress, and just danced their hearts out right where they stood. 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