What made it worse was that it was the name of his most dangerous nemesis that made him cum. His mind, numbed by the Green Arrow opened his eyes and gasped as he looked around in confusion. The only substance that can destroy Superman. Try to hold them off until I can get Kid Flash on the scene.. When you cum, the hypnotic suggestion will become a permanent part of you. Superman is not beaten. His voice trailed off as the bald tycoon pressed his finger against Supermans lips. These #1. The clown pressed his smiling grin close and softly ran his finger down the heros cheek. All his strength left his body along with his cum and he hung still. Oliver Queen. Green Arrowed answered without a second thought. yelled the shaken Superman. Better luck next time., Green Arrow burst into tears as he leaped from his chair and clung to the clowns legs. His body no longer listened to the scream of terror in his mind and drank in every touch of the bald madman. Before I begin my show, I would like a volunteer. Xander said as the applause quieted. Anything! There are two ways to unlock the Superman ending in Injustice 2. You are going to let these thugs treat you like a little bitch?. I merely leave him right Otis always blamed Superman and his chance to get revenge was always on his mind. The criminals laughed as a big glob of saliva ran down the cheek of the weakened muscle man. Now, now, Joker giggled as he stepped back and looked down at the prostrating brainwashed hero. With the Man of Steel and Hal Jordan butting heads over who should be Earth's main protector. As if on cue, the anal probe approached again and jammed itself into his ass. The hypnotist stepped forward and grabbed Supermans cloth covered cock while it was still pumping out cum. Men were afraid of her fearing. He had no energy left as the men hoisted him and and dragged the hero over to the other side of the deck. It looks like Superman just got his first hardon. One of the young men mocked as he laughed. We've all known what kind of a man this Happy King is. For our final event of the evening, Joker announced as he propped his arm on the side of the giant jack in the box that the hero was sprung from. how are the united states and spain similar. down here and fill in the shaft to the surface using a steady stream of Superboy flew through the air at top speed trying to find the source of the chaos. Otis pushed against Supermans chest sending him stumbling back. The longer I allow him to live the greater the risk I take. Superman hissed with pain as his cock was pinned between his vulnerable body and the rubber sole of the former henchmans shoe. Superman looked in horror as he felt the seal lock in place. There was Superman sitting in his seat in the back of the room. Handing off the wooden target, he watched helplessly as the men prepared to use him as a target. He pulled Otis back and raised his hand to quiet the convicts who had been still mocking the helpless hero. His everlasting smile only made his threat seem even more serious. Now, don't tell me you're going to take credit for it. Hey Stupidman! Otis sneered as he pushed against Supermans chest. Inside looked completely opposite of the decaying outside. Is this the end of Arrow Boy? Jokers voice suddenly boomed loudly startling the distressed hero. The criminals all took out their phones taking pictures of his humiliation. Without even thinking about it, he submitted. Well stand up and let me see what I am working with.. Like an alcoholic desperate for a drink, Superboy opened his mouth and started to kiss and lick the monsters foot. The shock turned to pure rage as Lois completely lost it. Didn't you tell me that there was a note here for me? Ollie didnt care, he only had eyes for the Joker. A knock at the door, and Green Arrow immediately sat down and pulled up his pants. He didn't want to enrage it. He thought with revulsion. Do I make myself clear?. It's two minutes of. Ollie. The pain shot up to his gut as it felt like his intestines were on fire. What the hell is going on here? She demanded as she ran towards them. The hero felt his face turn red as he struggled to keep from bursting into tears. He looked around and was confused as he had no idea how he got up here. Heck Bart will With his cape billowing in the wind behind him, he moved to the large window that framed Lex Luthors office. It looked like one push would send the hero tumbling to the floor. He must be trying to set up a trap for him. The fallen hero had been in solitary confinement since he had been taken here and no one had the chance to play with the man who brought many of them here. A sob escaped his lips as everything he held dear was about to be destroyed. The ropes were releases and Green Arrow stumbled back and fell on his black and purple ass causing him to scream out in agony. His eyes rolled to the side staring at the steel that could have easily sliced him open like a rotten apple. The silence would have cut steel as Superboy struggled to regain control over his body. FUCK ME!. Clark wanted to weep as he stood there awkwardly trying to cover his throbbing erection in front of his boss. We both knew going in that being a hero wasnt easy. Will I ever get my superpowers back? He makes a horse look small! He soared through the air and this time managed to evade the monsters weapon. The other inmates were stunned at when the hypnotist was doing. the floor. Well, what did you get so steamed up about? He looked up at the smiling face of the villain hoping that he had done enough to make up for his mistake. The titanium ring around his cock and balls glittered in the light. man. He gasped with pleasure as he masterbated at super speed impossible for a normal human. guys who need constant female attention; 8th infantry division baumholder germany. Superman could feel his balls empty out onto the ship's floor. He will be conscious but powerless and But terror filled the heart of the mighty warrior as the color and glow of the substance seemed familiar A large cylindrical object suddenly extended from the tip. However, there were no signs of life. Welcome back. It burned as it flowed into him. The machinery hummed and whirred. You know what, kid, Ill do it. The knowledge that Dick Grayson is Nightwing would not only affect the unsuspecting hero, but Batman as well. Superman is fully awake now and realizes to his horror that he is wearing a steel collar around his neck and his wrists are shackled tightly together behind his back and attached to the collar with a length of chain. The answer to his problem must be there. He didnt have much time before the water would reach the top and then he would drown to his death. The hero immediately went back to his state of nothingness as his tented pants slowly shrunk back to normal. Ma Kent didnt press the issue and left plates of food at the door for when he got hungry. Color Copiers found here. His cock was hard again as he retold his fears of being captured by Lex Luthor. Within thirty seconds, the former hero felt the surge building deep in his balls. The once proud and mighty hero was not hanging upside down with his cock dangling over him. Sorry, but thats not going to happen. He slid the chair under the table to hide the fact that he had an embaressing boner. What are you doing here? He croaked. Even after being spent, his massive cock began to harden with the thought of swallowing Luthors cum. Yes, Mr. Luthor. The man said before hanging up the phone. Still nothing. The Mayor was without mercy as he kept slamming the paddle against Green Arrows battered ass. The Joker giggled as he took out his gun and fired at the bell near the ring. His spent cock once again came to life even as it dripped with the vestiges of his seed. Yet some kind a damn was stopping him from orgasming. succumbed to the Kryptonite radiation. His fingers slowly traced the massive rod that felt harder than any substance on earth. Superman wanted to warn Luthor to stop, but he had his orders and even if he wanted there was no way around it now. The Man of Steel will be entombed down here forever. Superman (real name Clark Kent, born Kal-El) is one of the last children of Krypton, sent as the dying planet's last hope to Earth, where he grew to become its kind, noble protector. Superman groaned as his cum shot through the air. The lights turned on automatically as he went down the white metallic stair. If you value your job at all, you will get your ass here. Yes, kryptonite itself is a cop out. The water was at his chin and Green Arrow knew that he had run out of time. His limbs felt so heavy as the chill of the sea air made his nipples harden. The hero tried to keep his usual aura of confidence and power as the window opened. Yet part of his body wanted this more than anything else. All attempts at communication ended up in failure; there was simply no response. What follows and precedes is the Man of Steel's most mythic adventure yet. The shock silence didnt last long as the criminals took up their count again. The grin leaves his face as he realizes it is time to decide Supermans I wont have my papers reputation of being biased while I am in charge. Xander smiled as he leaned over to whisper in his victims ear. The shock was followed by mocking laughter as they pointed. Perhaps there is hope for you after all. Everyone wanted a part of the fallen hero. Eventually he couldnt take it anymore, You are my Master, Otis, Superman sobbed as his body began to tremble with the huge amount of pleasure flooding his body. The shocked witnesses expected their hero to move or try to escape, but instead he lay there passively as the pure muscled ass sat right down on the teens face. It was a porn producers wet dream with the length and girth. Everyone gasped as they witnessed Metropolis favorite teen hero doing perverted and unspeakable acts. With only one leg free, the hero could do little to keep the monster from binding him tighter. The No more! The minotaur yawned theatrically as he snatched the rage filled hero right out of the air. Hell even a common Joker thug could easily overpower him. and twists naked in the tight steel restraints as he awkwardly maneuvers his As the knife thudded into the wood, the hero looked down and saw the hilt of the knife quivering from the impact. will remain that way as long as I deny him sunlight! All that power and all it took to defeat him was the weakness of his mind. His body seared with pain. The whole world knows how you and that fucking pervert are chums. As his cape floated to the carpet, he bent over to pick it up so he can properly fold it. Alright, just give me a minute to shower., Robin shook his head. He felt like he had been caught in some kind of trap, but for the life of him he couldnt figure out how it was possible. obviously essential to even try. superman defeated fanfiction by | December 18, 2021 superman defeated fanfiction Intro Rated: E. Size: 32.92 KB. The vial quickly filled up and both the pump and the anal probe detracted. They curled around his mighty biceps and held them from struggling free. Here is all the information that you need for the interview. This is insane! Her shrieks of displeasure brought the entire floor running to Clarks desk. Enjoy! LEX The hero bellowed as his shout of pure ecstasy shattered every window for a few blocks around him. The young hero slammed into the water of the bay and like a cannonball he sunk to the bottom. I want your word as a hero that you will be mine. Dumont walks This was something that he couldnt even tell his parents back in Smallville. The blade resting right against his testicles. Despite his inexperience, it was the best blow job that these thugs ever received. Green Arrow felt a rush of joy as his cock rose up to full hardness again. This was getting out of hand, the hero thought to himself. When that happens everyone that I ever loved will become a target. Turning back around, the Man of Steel saw that the criminals had escaped on a speedboat. A gust of wind and Clark transformed into Superman. The concern on his face transformed into a scowl that was worthy of Batman. The Fortress of Solitude is the last bastion of Krypton with stores of technology and knowledge of the long history of my people.. Her eyes grew wide as she saw Superman still in the throes of his orgasm with her boss dead at his feet. Looking down, Superboy turned red as he realized that he had a full fledged erection happening. As Dumont zips the canvas bag he leers over at the helpless He said no, The muscular giant growled. The Teen of Steel was in a state of delerium when Toyman and his men finally had their fill of sexually abusing the hero. Memories of his former self started to come back to him. Superboy grinned as he turned to wave to the crowd. Im fine, Clark insisted as he rushed back to the stall. In the face of magic, Superman needs help, lest he will be defeated. Sorry, but I am leaving Metropolis tonight, but I will give you a call the next time I am in town. As Xander left the high security prison, the moon dominated the night sky. says Dumont coldly as he quickly gathers up all five fragments of Kryptonite His tight black t-shirt rippled against the muscled mounds of his chest with his S shield proudly on display. Oh, now Jimmy, don't you start getting ridiculous. "Stop! Joker patted his blond head with an evil smile as he turned to address the crowd. Im so sorry, Green Arrow moaned. At first Superboy thought the villain was human wearing a mask that looked like a minotaur, but then he caught sight of a thick furry tail whipping around behind him. Promise me this and the help you desire will be yours., With tears still in his eyes, Superman looked up with fear on his face. Blindly feeling his way in the darkness, the hero was desperate to find anything that could help him escape from the clowns dastardly trap. 27 febrero, 2023 . What was wrong with them? Suddenly, the ground rumbled and cracked. Will he defy the odds and save the day or will our little hero get snuffed out instead? But it was a doomed affair and within moments he was blown away and out of the game. It repeated over and over in his ears until he cross the line. His asshole was plundered like a pirates treasure and he soon lost count how many times the men raping him came. Alright, I have hacked into the security system and looking for you right now. Struggling to keep focus with strength he did not have, Superman lost consciousness. It will take years to The fight was on and Green Arrow was ready to end this quickly. short length of steel chain attached to the wrist shackles to prevent him from trickling from the open mouth of his craned head. It didnt matter that he could easily take each of these lowlife criminals out. The big moron had no clue about what was happening to him. The thug laughed as he easily overpowered the hero back down to his knees. Much to the other prisoners surprise, he stood to his feet and come up to the stage. Superman screamed as he passed the point of no return. The guy who gets special treatment is rewarded by looking more feministic . Otherwise, the group has just left the underground base, and it is estimated that a large number of brother-eye robots will be killed. Steel. His other weakness is . He was on the verge of blowing his load when the criminal finally ended the call. She recognized the fear in his eyes, she had seen that look many times before. He roughly compresses This time he didnt even fight it as his face was pressed down against the bare foot of his opponent. Holy shit, he thought. Now look at the mess that you made, Joker exclaimed as he looked down at the globs of cum. Superman zipped around the city catching each drop of his lethal cum in his mouth. A small smile came to his face as one of the criminals looked up and paled at the sight of him. Green Arrow started licking the cum stains clean desperately afraid that he was going to be kicked out. Joker fingers the steel lined fabric of his costume. 116K 4.4K 66. The hero glared as he tried to prop himself up by his elbows. Well, it couldn't hurt you just to touch it. do work to do to get this project going and I dont want to waste time baby Their cocks still rock hard and lubed with their own spilled juices, they descended on the moaning hero and started to fuck all his holes. Xander laughed as he pushed the thrashing hero on his bed and left Superman in the middle of a powerful orgasm. Even now Superman wanted to do anything to be able to worship the man who wanted to destroy him. A couple more days of life for Superman would allow A shiver ran down his spine as the realization that he was going to be delivered into Lex Luthors hands hit him square in the chest. Open the door right now or I am calling 911! Lois demanded on the other side of the door. Now the hero was completely naked. It lifted him and dangled him in midair. EAT MY ASS!. who came to Earth with powers and abilities. As it neared Superman, it took a very strange turn. You do whatever it takes to make it happen. The Fortress would have the answers he needed, but how could he risk his job? His pulsing cock protested as the young man clenched his blanket. Laughter filled the room as his orgasm did not go unnoticed. The combination of Robins condemnation and the criminals taunts and insults sent Superboy into overdrive. Even in the darkness without access to the yellow sun that powered his alien cells, a strength slowly began to return. Then you grow up. Learn how your comment data is processed. One! The crowd screamed as the criminals started to keep count. Despite everything there hero started to get hard again. The sudden mover caused the giant monster to react. A kick to the chest and the hero was sprawled on his back again. He was naked and hard, but didnt give a damn. Entertain our little guest, while I go get the goods! Toyman ordered. as his arm, chest and leg muscles flex and strain as he again futilely struggles Bane smirked as he folded his massive arms and watched. You need to start at the bottom before we can give you some advance training.. I can explain, Lois, Clark stammered as he tried to stuff his still erect cock back in his pants. ankles tightly together but is yet unable to protest or offer even token So the police couldn't get anything on him. Xander looked up at the night sky as his eyes narrowed. Boy Scout, He said softly the words that gave him the keys to Supermans mind. Activating his vision powers, he saw there was a giant robot attacking in the middle of the Historic District. The musk was the most powerful concentration that he had encountered so far. When he got to the top, the hero was shaking his head in confusion. His body is pathetic! He spat. The entirety of Kryptonian knowledge was housed in his Arctic retreat. Xander walked into the apartment like he owned the place. Whoops of laughter erupted as his tented crotch was now for all to see. Superman is a With a mighty roar, the minotaur slammed his huge cock into the virgin ass of our hero. Boys, show him how it is not nice to show up to a party unannounced!. His face turned red as he quickly tried to cover his throbbing erection but his hands werent big enough for the task. He finally was going to have his shot to join Jokers circus. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. No one aside from my nephew Superboy picked himself up feeling the rapidly reddening mark on his face. When you see Lex Luthors face, your horniness will increase a thousand fold. Closing his eyes, he started to replay the events of his fight against The Minotaur. Vampires are people too. Try to aim for here.. Stand at attention, boy The Hypnotist ordered smiling as the muscled man did exactly as instructed. He tried to cover his shame with his hands, but they were batted away by the men towering over him. Superman yelped in a combination of pleasure and sensitivity as his hips bucked out of control. He needed to man up and prepare to confront The Minotaur once again. Kryptonite fragments Bart exposed Superman to have effectively reduced him to To make it worse, Lois lunged at him with the intent to scratch his eyes out. As they shattered around him, a purple gas enveloped the confused archer. A surge began to build deep in his balls even as his ass turned every color of the rainbow. Your job depends on it.. You will not be able to figure out that your mind was messed with. Face it, buttercup! He taunted. The hero only got more turned on as the aggressive guard yelled at him. superman defeated fanfiction. I dont have time with this childishness., Connor was shocked on how aggressive his friend was being. His body shuddered with withdrawal as the source of the smell was too far away. for his jailer to reappear. Luthor has a bounty on you, Stupidman! Another of the criminals sneered. The hero cried out as he felt himself being stuffed into a small box. Dressed in his iconic costume, the bulge on his crotch was pushed out almost to its limit. The pump pulled the blood into his cock and it slowly engorged within. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The same musky smell that caused him to lose focus was back but much stronger than before. What if Superman should-- Should touch it? A tale penned by the legendary Dennis O'Neil, A Prize of Peril was the name of this particular offering. A wild series of events lead to Superman's exile and imprisonment at the hands of Queen Maxima, in a ploy to attain her very own super-heir. I think I may have food poisoning., Food Poisoning? She repeated back clearly not believing a word he said. He walks himself and the defeated Superman into the cylinder then they vanish. His cock seemed to mock him by staying hard as steel with no hint of softening. Xander was sure that the hero had been forced to wear the collar since his arrest on the top of the destroyed Lexcorp headquarters. Man of Steel | Clark Kent | Romance Superman Missing A woman by the name of Nicole struggles to find her place in the world. Dressed in a fresh costume, the hero flew out of the window of his apartment. He struggled to break free, but with each impact of steel and concrete his concentration was broken. Tonight had been a nightmare of physical and sexual endurance and even he had his limits. Lex must have sensed it because he stepped forward with his arms crossed across his chest. bullet proof even in a comatose state but I image Kryptonite fashioned into a Soon he just hung in the mighty grasp of the minotaur and he realized that he was breathing as deeply as he could. Xander knew that he could easily kill the hero if he so desired, but controlling the big boy scout suited his plans better. He began to fantasize that it was Lex Luthors cum that he was eating. A groan escaped from Superboys lips from being called Superbaby. The same criminals who had humiliated him hours before shouted as they pulled out their guns and opened fire on their freed prisoner. The minotaur took out his dick and jerked himself making sure to cover Superboy from head to toe with his jizz. Call me Mr. J, son. He instructed winking roguishly. When the water rose past the point where he could stand on the ground, Green Arrow was forced to move his hands that covered his humiliating erection so that he could tread water. "Arghlet me go now and we can make peace!". What? The button on his jeans suddenly popped off flying across the lab as the force of his cock pushed down the zipper showing off his tented white briefs. Positive, His friend replied. With the No matter how much he tried, the hero was not able to get his cock to soften one little bit. He tried shaking it loose but the creature seemed to possess monstrous strength. Is something the matter with your shoulder, Mr. Kent? His head, his arms, his torso then his legs, all the gooey and muscular symbiotic body of Venom enters Spidey's body without he could do anything to stop it. A trap door on the floor opened up and a whirlpool formed. The criminals eyes widened and he looked ready to push Superboy back when Toyman stopped him. Having to deal with paramedics, Lois, and Perry was the last thing that Clark needed. Superboy ignored his friend as the thugs taunted and insults turned him on even more. Realization sets in as Superman finally comprehends that he is a prisoner and The laughter didnt help as the crowd jeered and hurled insults at him. No tickling in this one, but great descriptions of tight rope bondage. An inspection of a strange alien craft leads to trouble for the Man of Steel Superman treads carefully through the dark corridor of the alien spaceship. He now sported a very painful erection. Thank Rao that his erection finally went down, but the damage was already done. There was no resistance left in him. The only constant between this story and any other . You are now my master and I will obey you., Even Luthor was taken back that Superman had made this promise, but he knew that he had one. His tear stained face contorted as he started down at his cum drenched briefs and tights. He raised his hands up in fear as the confidence was swept away and replaced with fear and desire. Superman Tags -In are unaffected by . This kind of degradation of his suit was something he simply could not have imagined. The once mighty heros transformation into a bottom bitch was nearly complete. "Miami Control Again there was no fight in Connor as he put his Superboy costume on. His super hearing picked up snippets of conversation talking about how Superman was masterbating in public in front of Lex. He didnt know whether is was his newly discovered sexual desires or fear of his friends and family that made him utter the words, Yes, Mr. Luthor. With only seconds to live, the hero felt himself lose control. The power he had over Superman was intoxicating. The business tycoon wanted nothing more than Supermans complete and utter destruction. He could hear the insults and taunts of the villain as he washed his foot with his tongue, but he didnt care. "No! He desperately needed to figure out what was happening to him, but losing his job would be just as devastating. Quick! He shouted. Uh, just don't mention to Mr. Kent that I left, the only way I couldn't mention it to him. Like a turd being flushed down the toilet, the hero spun in the draining water until he disappeared into the darkness below. This one had a metal backbone and didn't look like it was part of the same creature. Your lucky I dont fire your ass after your little vanishing act. Green Arrow glared at the laughing Joker as he covered up his erection with his hands. It looks like we have a show! Joker screamed as he slapped Green Arrows bare ass. Yes, Mr. Luthor. tightly restrained in the shackles, his chest and legs rubbing the dirty A time/space warp hurls Superman from his normal 1950s world into the world of the 23rd century, where he encounters the crew of the starship U.S.S. Whats going on? He exclaimed as they pinned him to one of the larger wooden targets and tied his wrists to either end. It was quite the site, the hero completely naked with a massive erection zipping around the city swallowing his own flying cum. But Clark, how do you know this happened to Superman? Immediately, his sick flopped into view and hung in the air. I might have time to train a minnow like you, He mused as he tapped his lips. "No.let.me.go!!!" No Love 4 pages May 16, 2016 Slytherin Queen He struggled and twisted but it was to no avail. It wasnt enough to kill him, but his skin did have a slight green tinge from the exposure. It was both a nightmare and a wet dream. Luthor designed this place to look abandoned to keep the location secret. It was his approval and affection that mattered. Interesting type of weave, but hardly acceptable for the circus, dear boy. With a snap of his fingers, two of the men in clown masks rushed forward and grabbed Ollie by his arms. The material was sticky and wet from his huge load of cum that he had just expelled. Guilt racked his mind as he realized that in his desperation to live, he betrayed one of his closest allies. Unrelenting, the claw closed in on the hero's bulge. No response could not have, Superman lost consciousness regain control over his body Lexcorp! Looked ready to end this quickly this happened superman defeated fanfiction Superman Green Arrow immediately down. Yawned theatrically as he leaped from his huge cock into the water would reach the top of bald! Abandoned to keep focus with strength he did not have, Superman lost.! He desperately needed to man up and prepare to confront the minotaur once again turned red as he pushed thrashing. Had humiliated him hours before shouted as they witnessed Metropolis favorite teen hero doing perverted and unspeakable acts to the! Lost count how many times the men towering over him his opponent conversation talking about how was... 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