In the navy warrants are generally older and more experienced in a particular area of expertise than a commissioned line officer, much like an "LDO." Example: The F-5 usually lands skosh on fuel. MidShitHead: Enlisted common term for a Naval Academy or ROTC Midshipman on their summer cruise on a ship or a command, gaining real Navy experience between academic class years. Can also refer to a ship that rarely goes to sea. Fart sack: Canvas mattress cover (In cold conditions sailors sleep inside them for extra warmth.) Can also refer to those who wear khakis (Chiefs, Officers) since it is assumed that most have "brown-nosed" to obtain their present position. Chicken-catch-me-fuck-me: Chicken Cacciatore. USS In-Port Royal: The USS Port Royal (CG-73). Royal Baby: Originally the fattest man on the ship, chosen as part of Neptune's court during Shellback initiation, which includes kissing his belly. Often condoned when essential to get underway. WEFT: Typically it stands for "Wings, Exhaust (or Engine, for prop aircraft), Fuselage, Tail" and is a method by which ship's lookout stations can visually identify aircraft within the vicinity. Gold Locker: A locked cabinet in the Engineering Spaces wherein the most valuable, precise, fragile, or one-of-a-kind tools are kept. Monkey Mate: Derogatory term used by Boiler Technicians to describe their brethren in the much cooler Engineroom on the other side of bulkhead from their Fireroom. cake-eaternoun. Caused by Foreign Object Debris, such as nuts, bolts, or anything that could be sucked into a jet engine, damaging it. Jim Jim: The nickname for the computer that aided avionics ratings through Basic Electronics and Electricity (B double E) and AVA's self paced courses. I had to attend stupid-shoot and stupid-swim after the other trainees were at the club drinking 15-cent beers. CBDR is also used as a warning to shipmates heading into trouble or danger (not necessarily physical collision) they might not see or be aware of. Buffer Tech: A junior enlisted who polishes the deck with a buffer, a duty normally assigned to shore duty personnel or those attending "A" School. See "Irish Pennant.". (F)AWs enjoy it though. Iron Bottom Sound: A term used to this day to describe the waters between Guadalcanal, Savo Island, and Florida Island in the Solomon Island chain, because of the large number of ships sunk in that area during World War II. "Boot ensign.". Grotopotamus: The rather large ladies that graze around the Groton, CT area. Ricky Dive: Fast, effective method of cleaning in boot camp, consisting of wearing smurf suits inside-out and sliding, or being dragged, on the floor to pick up dust. Chub Club: The mandatory physical training to which sailors are assigned if they are overweight. Corpsman Candy: Sore-throat lozenges handed out at sick bay in lieu of any substantive treatment. Hole: Main engineering space aboard ship to include the Fire Room (boiler room), Machinery Room (Engine Room) or a combined room (Main Machinery Room) contains both boilers and main engines. Such a lax procedure could spell doom for a sinking ship if hatches were not absolutely watertight.) Garden Party: A semi-formal social gathering requiring dress whites from the waist down and dress blues from the waist up. Down: Not working, out of commission, broken, "broke-dick." Famous for masagi girls, karaoke and Kirin beer. Shit Can Liner: Plastic bag to put in a shitcan. Snivel: To request time off or to not be scheduled, usually for personal reasons. Also stands for "Fun Time Navy" around higher chain of command to save face in front of said chain of command, yet "secretly" means "Fuck the Navy." Flattop: Aircraft carrier. (2) Generally reliable but incomplete information about a subject. In the army, the term cake eater refers to civilians. May also be used to describe a blowjob. Load: (Always referred to as "the load.") Mid: Midshipman at the US Naval Academy or Naval ROTC; "Middie" is considered derogatory. Trips to the beach are generally low key. Here today, GUAM tomorrow: Received orders from one island to another island, as in ADAK to GUAM. or a dirt sailor's sleeping bag. River Rat: Crew member of a brown water boat or patrol craft. Usually only found on submarines due to a significantly smaller number of nukes stationed onboard a submarine. LPOD: Last Plane On Deck: The time when all aircraft should be on the ground. Originally a Torpedo Boat Destroyer, then later, just Destroyer. Shower Tech: Sonar Technician (Submariner). See "Mustang". Brown bagger: Married sailor who brings his lunch from home in a paper bag. Head: Bathroom (the term comes from the days of sail, because wind would blow from the rear of the ship forward the bathroom would be located at the front head of the ship to carry the foul smell of excrement away from the crew). Service Dress Bozo: Service Dress Blue uniform with a bow tie worn by a junior officer to a formal event for which he was too cheap to buy a formal mess dress jacket. Masagi Girl: A prostitute (typically Chinese) found in the Honch. Fuckface: Any person or thing which has a face. An expression used in the face of adversity, meaning that regardless of the setback you are going to continue anyway! Easter Egg Hunt: An especially rigorous investigation or inspection in which the inspecting officer seems unduly motivated to find everything wrong he possibly can, even if it ridiculous--"The XO held an Easter Egg Hunt at Messing and Berthing today." A-Farts is received via satellite all over the world and offers a variety of shows. Diddy Bag: Small white cloth bag with a drawstring. Knuckle Dragger: A member of the engineering department or a mechanic on a nuclear powered vessel. "Pull up!). Read as "If you ain't ordnance, you ain't shit" Pronounced "eye-OH-yahs" and yelled out during ceremonies; also known as "If you're ordnance, your ASVAB sucked.". Named, due to its apparent high cholesterol content, for Mr. Barney Clark, who in 1982 received a "Jarvik" artificial heart. Also known as the Bitch Box. A frame on a ship is its ribs and they are set a certain distance apart so if your ships frames are 3 apart the rule is 9. Stands for either "Simple Minded Ass Grabbers" or "Sometimes Mechanic, Always Gay." Not a single aspect is successful. Issued in boot camp, used to store loose items, shoe polish stuff, etc. IYARYAS: Unofficial acronym used by Reactor Department to make fun of the similar phrase, IYAOYAS, used by ordinance. Kiss the Camel: To fall between ship and pier onto the, Knee-deep navy: Epithet (usually friendly) for the Coast Guard or coastal patrol vessels . These Direct Input LDOs have not spent time "in the fleet", D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F: (Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck? Gunwale: (pronounced "gunnel") The top of the hull portion of a ship that runs down the port and starboard sides. Divisions are sometimes divided into branches or work centers. ", Black Shoe: Sometimes shortened to just "Shoe." ". Training Aids: Logically, these are items used to assist by demonstration some point in a training lecture. Joe (Cup of Joe): (A cup of) coffee. So named because of the black and khaki working uniform. Differs from "VERTREP.". Quarters can be for the entire command, or just the department, division, or branch. Ricky Forklift: A boot camp term for a dust pan. See also "Black box" and "Transistor Theory". Can refer to malicious "scuttlebutt," exaggerated "no-shitters," or blatently phony sea stories. "We got a new XO and he had an attitude like a Bent Shitcan.". Shit Locker: An ass, or rear-end. Rack Oyster: when you bust in your hand and slurp your own semen for a late night snack primarily used on frigates you want to go to MidRats? Im good bro, I had a Rack Oyster before watch. Mostly issued in boot camp to set a recruit back in training due to poor performance. Contrast with the "Blue Water" Navy or "CRU-DES." Growler: A sound-powered phone, which is used like a telephone to call specific dialed in stations. Usually lasts on a good day about 3-4 hours. MAD Boom surfing: Struggling to complete or barely passing required evolutions in training on the P-3 Orion Patrol Aircraft. Also a man who stares at or is perceived to stare at another man's genitals in a communal shower. Also COMHOUSE, COMHOME, CINCHOME, HOUSEPAC, etc. Generally a lazy navy cook phones it in by opening an industrial size can of ravioli and dumps out a couple loaves of white bread and calls it good. (Often referred to by civilian instructors when explaining to baffled sailors the haphazard components that seem to work by sheer magic such as transistors, zener diodes, joint effect field effect transistors, shockley diodes, metal oxide field effect transistors, etc.) B-52 air strike that makes the landscape look like the surface of the Moon. Box of Rocks: Derogatory term for more than one sailor that has performed their work in an unsatisfactory manner. Sometimes used especially of the sailors from the USS Mathers. Often seen entering and exiting helos that are providing SAR services. Bells repeat themselves every 4 hours. FTN Striker: Sailor whose stated goal/desire is to get discharged. Monkey fist: A Turks head knot tied in a rope to add weight and mass to a heaving line. It is usually kept under the mattress and can stand up on its own by the end of cruise. Raisin: Recruit or junior sailor, predominantly heard at Naval Training Commands. But is now used for men who enjoy the butt sex. "It was a Butt Puckering experience.". Rot-Cee Nazi: Derogatory slang term for an ROTC member who has let power go to his or her head; primarily used when such ROTC members board a ship for training, and start pushing around enlisted sailors, who hold higher ranks and/or have had more time on active duty. Emergency Blow: When a sub rapidly blows all of the ballast out of the ballast tanks, resulting in a rapid ascent and an impressive display as the sub breaks the surface. Often used sarcastically in reference to Naval lifestyle. ", Danger nut: A "fun" game in which one or more sailors place a washer or nut around a rod or similar metal device and then hold it to a steam vent. (2) A large freezer of the type found on most ships, usually in auxiliary spaces. With the retirement of the S-3B Viking all VS squadrons have been decommissioned. The lower lip of the opening sits at shin height. Examples: "Hey, this is no shit, but I once blah blah blah" or "Hey this is a no-shitter, I got a buddy who once blah blah blah", NUG: New Useless Guy. Brig Chaser: The sailor who escorts a prisoner to the brig. Sea Otter: SeaOpDet-er; a member of a Sea Operational Detachment (SEAOPDET). What is cake eater slang for in military? Building 1: USS Brooke (FFG-1), so called because she had so many problems with her P-fired boilers that she was regularly unable to get underway from her long-occupied berth at NAVSTA San Diego. IBM (Instant Boatswain's Mate). Bilge Juice: Non-sanctioned alcoholic beverage created while on long deployments by mixing yeast, water and sugar. Green Side: The figurative side one is stationed at if one is stationed at a Marine Corps Command; contrasted with the "Blue Side" (Naval Command). Lady Lex: Either of the two aircraft carriers named "Lexington.". SMAG: Engineering Laboratory Technician (ELT). Alpha Inspection: Formal inspection of uniforms and living spaces. Example: "The fuckin' aux drain pump is fuckin' broke-dick.". Portable Pad Eye. The worst ones are "drive-by shitbombs," where someone pokes their head in, "throws the shitbomb" and leaves. However, since training for this tends to be spotty at best, identification of aircraft is often incorrect, leading to the second definition: "Wrong Every Fucking Time.". So called due to the time spent pierside during work ups for deployment after Mobile Bay failed INSURV inspection in 2011. This can be for a variety of reasons: Medical, personal, disciplinary, etc. (see EAOS above and Short timer below.). VC: Fixed Wing Composite aircraft squadrons. Origins in the P-3 Orion Sub Hunter/Killer community. They are more often than not quite beautiful and are often sought after by nave junior sailors who neglect to check the downstairs plumbing until its too late. Buddy Fucker: Someone who fucks over their shipmates, and who is not to be trusted with any information or watch swap. Can house: Bordello. (Dumb Ugly Bitch): woman enrolled in the Naval Academy. Newbie sailors are sometimes sent all over base to locate an ASH Receiver as a joke. Desert Duck: Helo that delivered mail in the Persian Gulf during Operation Earnest Will. Typically, as a hazing ritual, sailors fresh out of boot camp are sent out on a wild goose chase to retrieve a, "Portable", Pad Eye. Stand By: To wait, can also be to foreshadow chastisement or punishment from a superior. Fulmer: A sailor that desperately tries to win various games (ping pong, pool, etc. No longer moving through the water, which means rudder control is lost as well. Wolf Ticket: Highly suspect information. F.R.E.D. 1956, Joseph Caruso, The Priest, ISBN, page 158: "Nowadays, these cake-eaters all died young. Non-Qual Navy: Derisive term used by Naval Aviators, Submariners, and SEALs to describe the Surface Navy. CVN 7 on 2: The USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72. Watch: A period of duty, usually of four-hours duration, six-hours on submarines. (3) Issued wool peacoat. Quarterdeck: Ceremonial area of the ship used while in port for either boarding, or disembarking the ship, usually found at the main deck level, mid-ship. Whitney (LCC-20), as it rarely goes to sea. Battle Racks: (term for) when mission-exhausted Aviators are allowed to sleep through General Quarters. ", CAG: Title used when addressing the carrier air wing commander. Bounce Pattern: When several aircraft are practicing touch and go landings at the same airfield. A Golden Screwjob is never spoken of when the sailor in question is within hearing range. The Operations Officer is usually third in command behind the Captain and the Executive Officer. . Also contains the Uniform of the Day. The F-14 Tomcat was also widely accepted. Note: Reactor department is well aware that both phrases are dumb, but it is highly effective at trolling. The Navy's senior admiral and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Brown Shoe: Term used to describe aviation community officers and senior enlisted members, due to the dark brown footwear worn with khaki uniforms and aviation winter working green uniforms. Often jocularly applied to broken minor items not requiring any report, or to personnel who are on the. Small Boy: Term referring to smaller class ships, such as destroyers and frigates. Other usage: "PFM circuit" for electronics in depot level repair only equipment whose inner workings are not required to be known. SEAL: The United States Navy's Sea, Air, Land Teams, commonly known as the Navy SEALs, are the U.S. Navy's principal special operations force and a part of the Naval Special Warfare Command and United States Special Operations Command. Fart Suit: Dry suit worn by aviators when flying over cold water. (Term endures within CG.). "Oh, about a cunt hair." (See material condition) (2) (see "Fan room") A room where contraband may be hidden or for sexual relations while at-sea (3) Historically, where a chief petty officer would take subordinates to "make" them comply (using several punches to the face). Trips back to the ship in the wee hours of the night are usually very entertaining. Never washed, except as a prank by disgruntled juniors. It is sometimes cured by a "Channel Fever Shot," a slap or kick to the backside. You know that is unauthorized." Smokin' and Coke'in': Derogatory nickname used to describe an unauthorized break, where a sailor takes a smoke break, and grabs a soda out of a vending machine. A member of a fire department in Northern Virginia in a rich city or town who goes to no fire..ever..but talks about it like they are actually God's gift to the . Gator squares: Putting a square on a chart, often 3 miles by 3 miles, in the middle of a body of water, and steaming around in it for hours. Mad-Money: Car fare home if she has a row with escort Meat-Ball . Fat Enlisted People / Forced Exercise Program. See also A-Gang. Building 20: Derogatory term used to describe the U.S.S. This is the expected norm in the United States Navy. A cheeseburger is sometimes called a "slider with slabs.". Pronounced "See Whiz.". see also The Load. On my six: Naval aviation expression referring to having someone or thing at my back, on my tail, directly behind me, relative to the hours of a clock; 12-dead ahead, 3-starboard or to the right, 6 aft or behind and 9-port or to the left. Acey-Deucey Club: A recreational facility that serves alcohol for first and second class petty officers, or any Enlisted Club that caters mostly to First and Second Class Petty Officers, but still allows all enlisted personnel. Screaming Alpha: A sailor who is on fire and is running around screaming. (2) Editing a poorly worded memo or document for clarity. Pogue: A homosexual who may be called a "twink", usually under-aged. DDG: Destroyer, Guided Missile, class of ship. Also called Fast Attack boats, also Saturdays, Sundays, and Nights, for their operating schedule. Up the hawse hole/pipe: An enlisted man going officer. ), but does not have the skills to compete successfully. Also "Jarhead.". Monkey and a football: Short for "A monkey trying to fuck a football, and the football is winning." "I work in The Hole." Brown Water: Shallow water close to land; Brown Water Navy (Sailor): Any Sailor who operates a small boat in inshore areas. Donut: A floating device used to store oily waste pumped out of the bilges in port. VA: Fixed wing attack Aircraft Squadrons. Term used to show dissatisfaction with enlistment or unity amongst a brotherhood of bitter and disaffected sailors, specifically submariners. Mast Crank: A fictitious crank, usually impersonated by a Bull Gear crank from engineering, which is to be collected by a junior enlisted to crank down the mast while passing under a short bridge. Dining-in/Dining-out: Social functions, usually for officers and chiefs, where dinner dress is worn and certain "rules of the mess" are followed. Let's get going!" A sailor is required to perform a certain number of situps, pushups, and a 1.5-mile run in a given time (which varies based on age and gender). Usually a soft-bodied, self-involved Politician. AOM: All Officers Meeting, held for a variety of reasons like training, port calls, mess issues, etc. Family Gram: A 40-word personal communication from the family members of an Officer or Sailor on a Strategic Deterrent Patrol assigned to a Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) submarine. Schmuckatelli is a Good Man. (Pronounced much like Chang and used as the officer's name.). This follows from a three-section watch rotation, and results in the sailor standing watch at a different time every day and night, repeating every three days. Lieu-fucking-tenant: Illustrates Navy practice of including a swear word INSIDE another word. To attend stupid-shoot and stupid-swim after the other trainees were at the drinking... Duration, six-hours on submarines due to poor performance Navy: Derisive term used by Aviators! Precise, fragile, or one-of-a-kind tools are kept joe ): ( a Cup of coffee!. `` Engineering spaces wherein the most valuable, precise, fragile, or just department! For `` a monkey trying to fuck a football, and the Executive Officer the bilges in.... Powered vessel ( in cold conditions sailors sleep inside them for extra warmth. ) of bitter disaffected... Add weight and mass to a ship that rarely goes to sea beverage created on. Forklift: a sound-powered phone, which is used like a Bent shitcan. `` semi-formal social requiring. 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